What happens when some dipshits interrupt your nap...
Ah, I was waiting for it to start demanding funny sacrifices to The Schedule Gods. Accoutrements de Vehicle demand that I buy them before next week, to prevent those pesky fellow humans from waking me up no matter where I park, as they did 3 or 4 times today, ruining my afternoon.
It's like sacrificing yourself for your Art, except instead of making something beautiful, you're tormenting yourself. It's like...sacrificing yourself for sacrificing yourself.
Personal Rule # 8,654,282,071*: Do not contemplate what the hell you're doing to yourself while you're doing it. ;)
Other than having a borderline headache still and not quite having recovered from my broken nap this afternoon, I is fine. I do want to formally thank the living heck out of the Uberman group at Yahoo -- there's no substitute for the advice and musings of lots of successful polyphasers, pure-Uberman and just about every other possible combination. And some that aren't possible. And some that are made of cheese.
*sigh* Sleep dep blows.
Over soon...
*Note: I am capable of making one personal rule a second, which means I'm 274 years old. Respect your elders, dammit!!
3.8.7 spm
By Accoutrements de Vehicle, do you mean signs that say "I'm napping, not dead. Leave me alone.", or window screens so they can't see you, or ???
Various things, including one of those shiny windshield-screens so things don't heat up to volcanic levels, and maybe a small fan. As it stands, I can either a) boil or b) leave my windows rolled down, which guarantees that I'll get woken up at least once, usually just by dolts who decide to have a loud conversation next to my car, or (if I try to park way in the back, where there's no other cars), rich idiots who park their Caddys next to me and then have loud cell-phone conversations while getting in or out of it...stuff like that.
I was considering an "I'm not dead!" sign, but I don't want the presence of a sign to encourage people to not Leave Me The Heck Alone, heh.
What you need is a blow up doll mask. Then you can nap in the passenger seat and anyone passing by will just think you're an HOV lane cheater...
What you need is a blow up doll mask. Then you can nap in the passenger seat and anyone passing by will just think you're an HOV lane cheater...
I caught a nap on my desk after work one day when the office wasn't too populated... almost.
My team lead (who KNOWS about the schedule, I'd already explained the whole thing to her) came running over and shook me and asked if I was ok. Without moving, I told her I was napping... she remained confused, and proceeded to play 20 questions with me. So much for having a quick nap before I left.
So, if you come up with any solutions that don't involve writing on yourself, I would love to hear them.. idiocy knows no bounds.
LOL georgia,
Someone on the uberman list once mentioned that he/she was able to nap in night clubs. That person would put in the ear plugs and eye mask and be out like a light. The eye mask was very important... otherwise, people would poke and ask "Are you OK?"
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